
Showing posts from September, 2016

The death of Scotty Baker

The Death of Donald "Scotty" Baker  I have always been in to true crime from a young age, I  have got over 110 jack the ripper books, which i think makes me a true crime fan but there are some cases that really upset me like the case of Scotty Baker from the USA     On November 25, 1992 a woman, who was obviously wearing a wig entered an elementary school in Manchester Kentucky.  She went inside and spoke with the secretary, Charlotte Smith, saying that she was there to pick up ten year old Donald "Scotty" Baker for the day and take him to see his father.  She claimed to be his father's cousin.  Smith apparently saw no issue in this and allowed this woman, who signed her name as "Patricia Smith" to take Scotty.  In reality Patricia Smith was Susanne Porter Baker. She was no relation to Scotty or his family but she was best friends with Scotty's 22 year old stepmother, Stephanie Baker. While Susanne was inside getting Scotty, Step